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Jeremy Frank, MD - US. Olympic Training Center
Orthopedic conditions affect people of all ages, from new borns to elderly individuals. Some conditions may be congenital while some may be developed after birth.
Our expert team of physicians, surgeons and nurses specialize in providing the utmost care and best possible treatment for spine disorders in the pediatric population.
Sports medicine involves treating sports injuries which occur when playing indoor or outdoor sports or while exercising.
The hip joint is one of the body’s largest weight-bearing joints and is the point where the thigh bone (femur) and the pelvis (acetabulum) join.
Limb lengthening is a reconstructive procedure where the deformed bone is straightened or missing bone is replaced.


Tendons are strong connective tissue structures that connect muscle to bone. Hip tendonitis is a condition associated with degeneration of the hip tendons. This condition is mainly caused due to strain on the tendons which may be due to overuse, or biomechanical problems.

Symptoms of hip tendonitis include

  • Pain which increases gradually
  • Tenderness in the hip joint
  • Stiffness of the hip
  • Difficulty in movement or stretching of the muscle

Hip tendonitis can be treated with the help of RICE: rest, ice, compression and elevation. You may also be referred to physical therapy to instruct on stretching exercises to regain motility, massage and ultrasound therapy to enhance recovery.